I have been hurt again |
Thursday, May 29, 2008, 11:29 am
离别 当你走到生命的尽头, 你开始发现世界的美。 当你回头看身边的人, 你开始明白他们的爱。 想说的话都藏在心里, 默默地看着别人微笑。 想完成的梦想都放弃, 这样是你要的生命吗? 当命运告诉你: “你的期限已到了。” 你会不会有遗憾? 你会不会舍不得? 看到死亡的降临, 没有人能够逃脱。 看到生命的尽头, 没有人能不遗憾。 结束的时间来临时, 唯一的任务是微笑。 生命回味在你眼前, 不要难过不要失落。 上帝,祢对我公平吗? 难道,这是我的结局? 怨恨,已经不再重要。 悲伤,再也没有效果。 所有想说的话说了吗? 所有的梦想完成了吗? 所有的承诺做到了吗? 所有的责任尽力了吗? 所有...到底是什么啊? 还有很多事没做过。 还有很多话没说过。 还有很多地方要去。 还有很多人没珍惜。 还有...很多...很多... 黑暗的宁静包围了, 生命已经慢慢离去。 我看着告别的背影, 心里开始滴血流泪。 好痛...好痛...真的好痛...
11:22 am
i just finished watching Silence - 深情密码. I finally realised why i prefer campus love stories as they are more relaxing. Silence is a wonderful story depicting the love between a mute and a boy who longs for freedom. When that boy finally realises the importance of life and being who he actually wants to be, it is all too late. I cried many many many times in this story, even more than Winter Sonata. if you like this kind of touching but sad story, watch it. If you don't, I strongly advise you against watching it. it makes me very very sad, and emo. Not that I'm not already emo. 这真的是一个伟大又凄美的爱情故事。 ![]()
Wednesday, May 28, 2008, 10:36 am
i finally realised how amusing my seniors are.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 3:39 pm
I have just bought a vcd of 100% Senorita at a cheap price in Suntec. However, I want to finish watching Silence, starring Vic Zhou. He's so shuai! After learning how to write scripts in Sabbaticals, I've taken to writing scripts. Currently putting my fanfic on Hiatus and writing this nice chinese story in script form. =D I think I can control my emotions quite well nowadays. I can also make myself cry easily. Isn't it a great tool for acting? haha. But you see, when i write sad sad parts in my story, I imagine how the various characters will feel and sometimes, I cry, just like how i imagine the character will. When the character is supposed to feel angry, I tend to become quite angry and snap at my brother, who loves to annoy now that I am a tad bit nicer to him. p.s. i'll write a long post on the production and the sabbaticals when i feel like it, but it will be dated 23 and 24 of may.
Monday, May 26, 2008, 5:35 pm
Today, I went for the East-West Mini Fest. We watched Mulan and read 木兰诗. It was a beautiful poem. We discussed the differences between the westernized version of Mulan (the Disney one) and the original story. The home econs teacher treated us all lik ebabies and spoke so slowly. gosh. The lunch was worth more than $4! We had burger, a lot of chips, one fruit, an icecream and a can drink. Fantastic! Thanks to the teachers who went around looking for cheaper food to buy for us. You're so nice. I slept for a while during the music module. Talking about the dynamics of a violin and erhu isn't very interesting, sorry. But the pieces they played was quite nice. I learnt many things in the lecture.
Sunday, May 25, 2008, 5:18 pm
这次的演出真的很好。虽然我受了不少伤,但却很开心, 很有满足感。学到的东西也很多。在后台,我不时笑到暴, 也不是感动地哭。甚至一边哭一边搬道具。真好笑。 学姐们真的都好厉害哦。 there were 3 stories: 《找寻无生的快乐》 this story was about this blind and deaf girl who loved to help people in need but was always misunderstood. People treated her badly and when two muysterious clowns offered to make her a normal person, obviously she would jump at the chance. However, the only 条件was for her not to help people. Although she hesitated, she still agreed. However, when her selfishness led to the deaths of two to three people, she finally realised what kind of person she wanted to be; someone whom she herslef liked, not someone everyboyd else would prefer. 《逆时针》 This comedy revolved around a girl called Yi-en who was rich but not clever or pretty. She was the girlfriend of the most popular boy in school. However, her parents seldom show concern for her and her friends make use of her to get things that they want. 4 deities, Intelligence, Beauty, Gender and Life-and-Death, appeared to help her change her life for better, many things happened. However, when she sees many people grieving over the death of a girl killed in a car accident, she feels that she doesn't want to live anymore as no one in her life actually cares about her; her parents don't bother, her friends only stay with her because of her money and her boyfriend might be in love with another girl and only be with her also because of her money. When the deities refuse to end her life for her, she jumps down a building and dies, but in her death, she finally realises that many of the people around her actually care for her, including her boyfriend. She wants to live again but time cannot go back, thus the title, meaning Time Turner. 《天黑·闭眼》 When a group of people are infected by an illness which renders them blind, they are quarantined into a prison like place, with one of the victim's sister pretneidng to be blind to go in with them and take care fo them. Many things happened, one of which is the shooting of a thief who tried to escape from the prison. Those things led to the healthy girl to experience and realise the cruelty of the real world and the selfishness of mankind. When all the people are cured and are released from the prison-like quarantine room, they take revenge on each other for the things that happened during the period that they were blind. The girl feels that since the world is so evil, there is nothing worthwhile left for her to see and stabs her eyes, making herself blind forever, sending this message to the others: Is this unfeeling place the kind of world you want? Aren't they nice? Those who didn't go and watch should go. It was so fun. =D Sabbaticals were nice too, i learnt a lot of things like scriptwriting althought i didn't get to dub. Thanks to Ms teng and Ms Foo for giving me some Toblerone as prize for being the most active student. Love you.
Sunday, May 18, 2008, 12:09 pm
I just finished watching Virgin Snow. It is so nice. Min and Nanae could only speak Korean and Japanese respectively but could understand what each other was saying without comprehending words. How touching. Lee Joon Ki and Miyazaki Aoi acted so well... I love them. ![]() P.S. I finlly realised how horrible my brother sings. He just got his Sony Ericsson 910i, which is much cheaper now, even cheaper than mine. Just that mine cracked with no reason. Going t send it for servicing on Wednesday
10:04 am
Time Between Dog and Wolf OST and Virgin Snow
I finally downloaded all the songs in Time Between Dog and Wolf OST. They are like so nice. I love the show. It's one of the best dramas i've ever watched. great Acting and the right pace, not too slow. =D Tiffany told me to watch Virgin Snow ages ago. I'm starting to watch it now, it's a movie. But i still like it. I know that the music player on my blog doesn't look nice. I don't know how to nicely resize it. but it still works. anyway, if you click on my link, the one which says GaelicVixen, you will be able to hear it. =D
Saturday, May 17, 2008, 5:27 pm
The end of 'Time between Dog and Wolf'
Yesterday's Sabbaticals was fun and delicious. We ate some kueh and for ScriptoDub, we watched an animation and acted it out. It was called 3 Misses.
I just finished watching Time Between Dog and Wolf. It was so exciting, my heart is still beating. I could sense the frustration and confusion in Soo Hyun when he found out that the person who killed his parents was his Dad's best friend. And Mao still felt remorseful and didn't know that he had killed his best friend. For his mum, Mao was forced. Furthermore, Mao had treated Soo Hyun, also known as Kay, like his son and trusted him with his life. When Mao found out that Soo Hyun was his best friend's son, he gave up trying to protect himself and killed himself. I could tell that Kay didn't actually hate him that much after losing his memory and regaining it again, because he understood what kind of person Mao actually was, not the cold-blooded killer. Mao was Ji Woo's father. Ji Woo was his girlfriend. The whole show is so thrilling. Although I found it myself, Tiffany had told me a little bit about it. Just not the title. But still, Thanks Tiff. Somewhere in the hols, when I finish rewatchin KO One and the X-family, and watching Hana Kimi, Jap version, I will rewatch Time Between Dog and Wolf. ![]()
Thursday, May 15, 2008, 8:00 pm
Nothing really special happened today. Except for the GEP schools attachment program. I was taking 6 girls from Rosyth. From my POV, we bonded together quite well, and Daphne was even quite shocked that I wasn't actually their senior; that was the reason she thought they were so nice to me. Yea, they were very nice to me. I showed my younger side today. hehe. If I acted mature and etc, they would probably think I was those erm... very high-and-mighty seniors. haha. The games were quite fun. The english game, they were like so pro. And went so fast that even I could not catch up with them. The chinese game was bad though. My chinese was like, so lousy. I wasn't supposed to help them anyway. sigh. The treasure hunt was brilliant. I mean brilliant. They could have found many of the places without my hints if they looked closely at the map, like the ecopond. But they kept going in the wrong direction. They headed for the 'bridges' between the blocks and they went towards Yun Xian Ting in search of the pond. Goodness! haha. Under my brilliant wing, we won the FIRST PRIZE! YAY. Well, we got like, 330 points and they gave me quite a large share of their prize. I'm so touched. Girls, I love you. Okok... joking but if you EVER read this, remember to accept my messenger add. =D
Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 9:34 pm
Today, I got back my Japanese CA3. I scored very badly! Gosh. I only had like, a pathetic A2 whereas about almost everybody else got A1. Crap. Jun Hui, So Phia and the rest of the French people had their French exam today. Jun Hui said that it felt easier than the previous one. Wish you luck. I didn't fall asleep during Japanese today as the weather was so good. I love rainy days. Amelia falls asleep when the weather is cooling but I fall asleep when the weather is humid! haha
Monday, May 12, 2008, 11:28 pm This is my website in GO and listen to the songs I uploaded; I will be uploading more. I will also be uploading my pics there.
6:10 pm
Disclaimer: No offence to people who I might accidentally offend. Please note that Fiona is an extremely frank person. The major event of the day was.... (drumroll please.) NAPFA 2.4! What an exciting event! okok, i'll stop all my sacarsm. I ran and ran and ran and for once, I wasn't the last 5. I finished it in 17minutes and 13 seconds. luckily, I passed! Some poor souls failed, names would not be mentioned but should be obvious. It was actually supposed to be last Monday but God kindly allowed it to rain. yay. But the scare of waiting for this torturous event prolonged, which was not actually very nice. Grace was excused, since she was already going to migrate. Wan Lin commented on Friday that she wanted to go to Bangkok too. Please, Wan Lin, you can choose somewhere other than Bangkok right? sheesh. The rest of the day was very boring, except that there were attached students form India. During lunch, i chatted with one of them and learnt more about their uniform, which had a 16-tier scarf-like thing with a very complicated Indian name. Their uniform was a punjabi with collar. Interesting! Besides, I didn't sleep during Japanese too, an acheivement. Partly because I had heat stroke but insisted on not drinking H-two-o, which allowed my headache to continue, and also prevented me from dozing off.
Friday, May 09, 2008, 9:00 am
Dreamelody Auditions, Napfa 5 stations 08
When I went for ICT lessons today, I discovered that I succesfully applied ofr Scriptodub to be my Sabbaticals. =D It's to write your own script then dub it. Interesting right? A lot of people need to go for Maths Olympiad training. Poor Things. Chloe and Rachel are both in Sriptodub too! Chloe smsed me during lunch but I did't save her number and it was an 'unknown'. i also didn't know that the sabbaticals courses had been confirmed already. I sent back a sms saying "Who are you? The sabbaticals have already been confirmed?" and received her reply during ICT. BTW, we're doing a bit of web page design. Mine's abstract but I don't really know how to do it. Shammah, can you give me some tips or something? Anyway, after school, I had my DreaMelody auditions. It's this Chinese Pop (Singing) Interest Group of some sort, proposed CCA next year. Amelia did it on Monday. Before the auditions, I practiced my songs in class and Wan Qing gave ma a LOT of support. I don't know why I remember her best. hehe. Jasmine also encouraged me in between doing her Chinese Worksheet. That was terrific. SHe had not much time left but still encouraged me. Thanks girl. Wan Qing, Wan Lin and Jun Hui accompanied me to wait outside the studio but left soon But they still provided me with a lot of moral support. I was definitely nervous. Inside the studio, maybe WaiYee could tell that my behaviour was not unlike that first time I went for Chinese Drama. Felicia would remember best. I had to sing but as usual, my voice was too high pitched. The harmonizing was horrible. I think I sang rather badly but not all that lousy. Next was the rhythm thing. I had to clap the beats. It was quite easy but in the middle of it the seniors dunno did something (I forgot) and distracted me so I was a bit weak. They were like, staring at my hands as if they were abnormal or something. creepy. The Q&A was like, duh. If I can get into the Chinese Drama by just answering some questions, those questions weren't hard at all. I'm an egomaniac, if you didn't know. 拜托, who would say that their parents didn't know and didn't approve? 用脚想也知道啊!想通过的人才不会那么说!And at the end, WaiYee returned me my Bullfighting OST. She borrowed it for such a short time! I only lent it to her yesterday. Next came NAPFA. I saw Katherine[?] (from DreaMelody) there with YingHui. Anyway, they were there. I didn't really hear why they were there, maybe to retest or something. Anyway, this was the first time I didn't fail my standing broad jump. I even passed by 8 cm! Last year, the teacher was so kind to let me pass by 1cm even though I failed. I got silver. yay. Then for sit and reach I got C, a deprovement. The inclined pullups I did 17, an A. For shuttle run, the first time I ran I missed the bean bag an had to run back for it. Failed the first time. I got C the second time and my friends were like, laughing! gosh. the situps I did 37, quite a deprovement too. I USED TO BE ABLE TO DO 40-50! Maybe i've turned fat... Anyway, I saw Waiyee, the 逆时针导演 and one mroe person. Either I don't know her or I forgot. WaiYee said I passed the auditions. I went to tell Amelia and asked me to ask Waiyee if she passed or not. I did go and the director said "Fiona, 我不知道你进耶。来,唱'风铃'”. Please. I just finished doing Sit-ups vigourously, how was I supposed to I went home and the bus was rather empty so I found a place to sit and slept the whole way through. I didn't even know who sat beside me when the bus became crowded. I gave the carnations to Mum when I got home. She seemed happy.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008, 9:29 pm
今天,我简直就快要闷死了。什么有趣的是也没发生。就FPS (Future Problem Solving) 没了,换成BRP (Basic Research Programme),而且,现在是Ms Goh教我们BRP。是要写科学论文耶!听起来还蛮有趣的。就是大学生写的那种科学论文!天娇想当科学家,这可能对她有所帮助吧!我想当一个 另外件事就是我今天上日本语课是没有打瞌睡!多神奇呀!真的非常不可思议。可能今天因为比较有趣吧?或者我不想睡觉罢了。 Mum told us that there was this underground (basement) shop that was having a sale. I thought it would be ok so I agreed to go out with them. Who knew, the shop was much worse than our jumble sale last year and practiaclly everthing was junk! Sheesh.
Sunday, May 04, 2008, 8:28 pm
I went crazy today. |