depresión desesperación I have been hurt
Saturday, November 29, 2008, 5:35 pm

2:21 pm

Where are you? When are you coming back? Tell me that you know that I'm here waiting for you...

Friday, November 28, 2008, 10:15 pm
Mumbai Attacks

SINGAPORE: Singapore's Foreign Ministry says the Singaporean Chinese woman held hostage at the Oberoi Hotel in Mumbai has been killed. Speaking at a news conference at the Ministry, Director of the Consular Directorate Jai Sohan Singh said they were told at 9:35pm Singapore time that she suffered a tragic death. This was after her husband, who had flown up to Mumbai, made a final confirmation of her identity. She is 28-year-old lawyer Lo Hoei-Yen. Indian authorities had found her body on the 19th floor of the hotel. Mr Singh added there are no more Singaporeans stranded in any of the hotels in the Indian financial capital. 115 Singaporeans were known to be in Mumbai either for work or leisure during the attacks on Wednesday night that have killed some 130 people.

6:42 pm







Thursday, November 27, 2008, 10:56 pm

Got dragged to science centre to see the Magic exhibition by my family and brother's friends. Because they want me to tell them the secrets behind the magic. -.- It was so cool! We had free tickets. And we have some more! Who wants to go with me? x) Then I went to causeway point to send my phone for servicing. Crap lor. Keep spoiling. Must save up for a new phone already.

I went to the new Chua Chu Kang Public Library. It looked damn cool and modern. But I don't like it. Doesn't have the same old feel as the old one. I grew up with the old one... I miss you, Chua Chu Kang Community Library, with the nice magenta carpets, the wooden shelves, the old old books, and the bean bags chairs in the read-aloud room...

Anyway, Jie told me to join the December! Singing Competition held by Gefang Music Academy (a combination of NY, HCJC and RV Gefangs.) but it's for 15 to 25. So I couldn't go. And I think there's like, $1000 worth of prizes and $400 cash as well as a chance to perform in a Major concert in June 2009. Those who think they are good at singing and go for an audition at The Heeren Offices on 6th December. For more information, check out Gefang Music Academy's website, This is an advertisement, proudly brought to you by Fiona, as requested by WaiYee. hahaha. No seriously. It looks quite fun. Go join if you're eligible.

And I finished my 心之轮回! Woots! And 小娘惹 is getting more of a plot. Not just a singaporean drama to promote ou xuan.

12:15 pm







11:52 am


Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 8:57 pm

Ok. Before I start, I want to apologise for any offences I made (namely to PingGhee, So Phia, Ms Lye, Natalie, WanLin, WanQing, Samantha) if any.


uhh. The class chalet was quite fun, considering I rode 3 hours of bicycles, played monopoly and uno. My butt hurts a whole lot from cycling on that stupid bicycle seat. They should really get more comfy ones. But it was fun. We cycled like, around 2 rounds around Pasir Ris Park, from end to end. =D

And many people were like yesterday. JunHui and I reached Pasir Ris MRT at around 12nn (sorry for being late by 10 minutes) and saw only HuaHua, Hannah and...WanLin. Then more people came and we were extremely hungry by 12.30pm and went off to eat. There wasn't any vegetarian and I was about to kill myself when I bought two mini red bean paos to eat. for $1.20, they were absolutely delicious. I love their paos. =D The aunty really wasn't lying. Then I was still hungry so I went to look for Amelia and gang at McDonald's and bought an apple pie. Quite a lot for lunch already.

We set off for the chalet at about 1.40pm and got there safely, thanks to a friendly commuter on the bus. I like the helpful Singaporeans. =D I love my country! I want to become a friendly Singaporean too. But anyway, we got there and the uncles were checking everything and we were cooing at how nice it looked, then we went in and started watching tv, some Chinese 古代show and some were playing upstairs. Ms Lye and Wanqing came very late.

JunHui, WanLin, PingGhee and I rented bicycles and went to ride them in the small round. And we found out PingGhee couldn't cycle. But never mind, she learnt how to cycle a little in a while. No So Phia. Cycle and swimming has to be learnt. People actually don't know how to cycle or swim when they were born.

Then we went back and saw them trying to light the barbeque fire. I was asking why they were using matches and they said that they didn't know how to use it properly: both times they tried they burnt their fingers. O.O And I used it successfully to light the starters. All I ate for dinner yesterday was a boiled potato-in-jacket.

Then we played UNO and monopoly and I slept soundly. JunHui and Wanlin tried to wake me at 2am to play something, but they said I was grumpy and mumbled something. =D haha. You should have tried waking me up with a handphone's ringtone.

Then we woke up at 5.30am to watch the sunrise. Ms Lye and JunHui backed out to get more rest. But when chunshan, wanlin and I went to the beach, all we saw was te sky lighting up and... dark rain clouds. No sun. -.- sheesh. And we tried renting the nice bicycles, but the stupid owner said "open at 10am."

So we went back to eat breakfast and went to rent bikes from our chalet for $5 and cycled for two hours. woots! It was super fun lor. really really really fun. And yea, my butt still hurts. Then we went back and watched 'The Adventures of Hello Kitty and Friends'. hahaha. We must have been really bored.


1:42 pm

I'm seriously killing myself.

My phone died. And I'm sending it for repair.

Monday, November 24, 2008, 10:03 pm

why am i still so short?

It's so unfair.

1:51 pm

Copied this from MingKui's blog.

1] do you eat alot of fastfood ?
not really. They don't really have vegetarian.

2] have you kissed anyone in 2008 ?
Yep. My mother.

3] were you happy when you woke up todae ?
no. I got a cold.

4] what did you last get upset about ?
Going home from Taiwan.

5] what is you’re 5th sent msg ?
To my dad: Found my luggage. But sadly still here (at the airport).

6] who is the last person you ate with ?
I usually eat alone. But with people, it was the last meal in Taiwan. With 10 people at the same table.

7] who was the last person you took a pic of ?
The air-stewardess on China Airlines

8] when ordering sushi , what do you get ?
I don't order sushi. Ordered sushi are non-vegetarian.

9] who was the last person you sat next to ?
My dad.

10] what were you doing at 10am?
watching 极速传说

11] have you changed alot during summer ?
Not really. Became more mature i think.

12] when was the last time you cried ?
This morning. Thinking all the sacrifices they made for us.

13] what is ure fav song at th moment ?
冷战 by 杨丞琳

14] what were you doing at 11 last night ?
Watching miss no good on pps.

15] who is near you ?
My computer

16] what were you doing at 5am this morning ?
Sleeping duh. It's the hols now. No one wakes up that early.

17] what's bothering you now ?
All my homework undone.

18] who was th last person you talked to on th phone ?
My bro.

19] whose house did you last go to ?

20] who broke you're heart ?
Lots of people. Like my mum because she didn't let me go for css.

21] do you love someone very much ?
My family and friends.

22] who was th last person who told you they love you ?
My mum and dad.

23] are you fwens with th person who last kissed you ?
No. She's my mum.

24] are there any parts of ure body that hurts you ?
dat sounded wrong (quoted from MingKui)

25] in th supermarket , what is th 1st thing that gets ure attention ?
whatever's near the entrance.

26] how cool do you think you are ?
no very cool.

27] drugs are ?
A drug, broadly speaking, is any chemical substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.

28] which one do you hate the most ?
Which what?

29] who was the 1st person who texted you todae ?
No one.

30] whats the 1st thing you did this morning ?
breathe while jumping out of bed for no reason and opening my eyes.

31] who was the last missed call on you're cellphone ?
My dad.

32] what was the last mistake you made ?
buying a pink present for amelia instead of a blue one.

33] what are you listening to nw ?
Remember the name.

34] who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with ?
MingKui. (AKA Ace)

35] who was the last person to call you ?
My dad. two days ago.

36] is there anything you want to say to someone special ?
Happy early birthday, Amelia.

37] 6 peeps to sabo ;
>Edwin Xuezhang

12:10 pm

The trip to taiwan was totally awesome. Though some parts were... boring. The last day I was ultimately filled with stress. I didn't want to come back to Singapore and face the homework. But anyway, I made lots of new friends. And I saw fossils!!! Real fossils. I found some of them in an unused basketbal court in 神威 with Liao叔叔 and took photos. There were damn cool. I shall post the pictures some other day. too lazy. hehe.

And I wasted nearly two hours in Taipei 101. I couldn't even see the view. It was... ahem. I don't think the view would be nice. Driving past, I was utterly disappointed. The nice scenes in dramas are like, rare. very rare. and their 自由广场 (free park) is filled with protestors supporting Chen Shui Bian and Ma Ying Jiu. Makes me recall that statement Ms Teng said about our free park in Chinatown. You have to register and all and nobody dares to speak. And the only people who are there to listen are the uncle selling herbal drinks, the aunty sweeping the floor, an the guy reading a newspaper. hahaha.

Sunday, November 23, 2008, 4:38 pm

I returned with joy and vigour,
My heart was totally refreshed.
But when everything was sour,
My heart became depressed.

Of the world I changed my view,
But things weren't actually so bright.
The hellos I got were really few,
And my hellos were never replied.

The friends I gained last week,
Had suddenly become different.
They disappeared, those I seek,
After saying I became very distant.

Again. Again. Again.

9:33 am

No offence Mel (no, not melissa), but I don't really find it that funny. sorry.

RULES:Do the "Letter MEME".Tag no less than 5 other people, and leave them a comment,informing them that they have been tagged.Then copy the "How-to" Letter Meme, and finish your Journal entry.

-> How you do the Letter Meme:Dear (the last person who sent you a message):I don't really know how to tell you this, but ___1___. I think I realized it___2______3___ and I saw you ___4___ ___5___. I'm sure you're ___6___ enough to understand___7___. I'm returning ___8___ to you, but I'll keep ___9___ as a memory. You shouldalso know that I ___10___ ___11___ .___12___,-yourname-

1. What's the color of your shirt?
Blue - Our romance is over
Red - Our affair is over
White - I'll join the monastery
Black - I dislike you
Green - Our horoscope doesn't match
Grey - You're a pervert
Yellow - I'm selling myself
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - You're a loser
Other - I'm in love with your sister

2. Which is your birth month?
January - That night
February - Last year
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on sesame seeds
May - First of May
June - When you put cuffs on me
July - When I threw up
August - When I saw the shrunken head
September - When we skinny dipped
October - When I quoted Santa
November - When your dog ran amok
December - When I changed tennis shoes

3. Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - In your apartment
Pizza - In your camping car
Pasta - Outside of Chicago
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad - As you ate enchilada
Chicken - In your closet
Kabob - With Paris Hilton
Fish - In women's clothing
Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation
Lasagna - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a state of trance
None of the above - With George Bush and his wife

4. What's the color of your socks?
Yellow - Hit on
Red - Insult
Black - Ignore
Blue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - Put leeches on
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the toupee off
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive out

5. What's your favourite colour?
Black - My best friend
White - My father
Grey - Bill Clinton
Brown - My fart balloon
Purple - My mustard soufflé
Red - Donald Duck
Blue - My avocado plant
Yellow - My penpal in Ghana
Orange - My Kid Rock-collection
Pink - Manchester United's goalkeeper
None - My John F. Kennedy-statue
Other - me

6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?
Scrubs - ManO.C. - Emotional
One Tree Hill - Open
Heroes - Frostbitten
Lost - High
House - Scarred
Simpsons - Cowardly
The news - Mongolic
Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy - Senile
Top Model - Middle-class
None of the above - Ashamed

7. Your mood right now?
Happy - How awful I've felt
Sad - How boring you are
Bored - That Santa doesn't exist
Angry - That your pimples are at the last stage
Depressed - That we're cousins
Excited - That there is no solution to this.
Nervous - The middle-east
Worried - That your Honda sucks
Apathetic - That I did a sex-change
Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your hamster
Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men
Overjoyous - That I'm open
Other - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks

8. What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?
White - Your ring
Yellow - Your love letters
Red - Your Darth Vader-poster
Black - Your tame stone
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - The pictures from LA
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your contact book
Grey - Our matching snoopy-bibs
Purple - Your old lottery coupons
Pink - The cut toenails
Other - Your memories from the military service

9. The first letter of your first name?
A/B - Your photo
C/D - The oil stocks
E/F - Your neighbour Martin
G/H - My virginity
I/J - The results of your blood-sample
K/L - Your left ear
M/N - Your suicide note
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X - David's tricot outfits
Y/Z - Your grades from college

10. The last letter in your last name?
A/B - Always will remember
C/D - Never will forget
E/F - Always wanted to break
G/H - Never openly mocked
I/J - Always have felt dirty before
K/L - Will tell the authorities about
M/N - Told in my confession today about
O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about
Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about
S/T - Get sick when I think of
U/V - Always will try to forget
W/X - Am better off without
Y/Z - Never liked

11. What do you prefer to drink?
Water- Our friendship
Beer - Senility
Soft drink - A new life as a clone
Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo
Milk - The apartment building
Wine - Cocaine abuse
Cider - A passionate interest for mice
Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations
Mineral water - Embarrassing rash
Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism
Whisky - To ruin the second world war
Other - To hate the Boston Celtics

12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?
Thailand - Warm regards
USA - Best regards
England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail
Spain - Go and drown yourself
China - Disgusting regards
Germany - With ease
Japan - Go burn
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard
Egypt - F*** off now
France - In Pain
Other - Greetings to your freaky family goes:

Dear someone:I don't really know how to tell you this, but our romance is over. I think I realized it when your dog ran amok outside of Chicago and I saw you sit on my best friend. I'm sure you're ashamed enough to understand how awful I've felt. I'm returning the couch cushions to you, but I'll keep your neighbour Martin as a memory. You shouldalso know that I the apartment building I never liked.
Go burn,

9:29 am

I'm back! Woots! But before I post all my 1300+++ pictures and my daily notes of the journey, I'm going to make my blog private. For my privacy. If you want to read, request directly from me, but don't get mad if I say 'no'. I have my reasons.

Saturday, November 15, 2008, 3:48 pm

My dad went to buy a 4GB microSDHC card with SD adapter (quite cheap. $21. last week, it was like, $39.90.) to use in the camera, but it turned out that SDHC cards are not compatible with SD usage devices. So my 1GB Micro SD card went to the camera pouch and the 4GB microSDHC card is now in my phone. muahahahahaha. But looking at dad's miserable and disappointed face, why am I not happy?

1:22 pm

I'm going overseas tonight. ok, tomorrow early in the morning. 1am. I'm so excited. But I've got to finish my book today.

1:13 pm



reflections of a drama

Thursday, November 13, 2008, 2:10 pm


Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 8:27 pm
The Coffin

Tiffany gave me so many things for my birthday. I'm so touched. Most of the crossed things on my wishlist she gave me.

A set of 50 Mongolian stams
Two teddy bears (which are ex.)
A Bottle of stars
A Plush Rose
A card which is hard to make

And the horror movie, although I was freaked out while watching it, it didn't turn out as scary as PSL camp night trail. But it made me think more about death. You know, I used to want to commit suicide. But now, I realise that I have so many things that I don't want to give up. We snucked in papaya soya bean milk (for me) and watermelon soya bean milk (for Twiffy). Hers spilled in her bag. crap. crap. It was her sister's. And not only us snuck food in. I smelt curry puff and coffee. In the middle of the show, I was so scared (but nothing happened. -.-) and borrow Tiffany's zen stone and listened to it. A horror movie without sound is not scary anymore. haha.

Then we went shopping for Marsiat's present. We were like, randomly strolling around. And I saw this plush flower in Comics Connection (I didn't know she was going to give me.) and took it up, but the flowerhead dropped. O.O i had absolutely no idea it was a pen. And it was scary. Then Tiff laughed. We saw another flower in More Than Words, but it was not a pen. hah.

We finally found a pen holder, with green flowers inside, for Marsy. And bought it. I also bought 半熟宣言 (money borrowed from Tiff). woots! It's like, so nice. And much cheaper than Sembawang. There was a 2009 calendar/planner too. Although I will not use it.

We went to Food Junction to eat dinner with my discount card. 10% off. haha. Tiffany ate vegetarian with me because she didn't know what to eat. And she pronounced Hor Fun as 'hor fen'. haha. And there was free soup. And we went to NTUC to buy water, plain water. In the lift, I accidentally, really accidentally, punched my hip bone and knocked my head into the mirror in the lift. And to round it off, I was laughing myself silly in NTUC, while Tiff called me cute. hahahahaha.

Then she had to go to MacDonald's to buy her mum's and sis's dinner, then we called Marsiat to tell her we'd be going to her house, she screamed in my ear and tiffany could hear it. then we went and yea, gave her her present and stuff, then went home.

12:33 am
Last Day of 112 '08

The last day of school as 112 '08. I realised I changed a lot from the start of the year till now, although people still have changed their opinions of me and continue to somehow ostracize me. But it's ok. I shall change for the better. Thank you to all the friends who supported me and helped me throughout this year. Even if you didn't htink you did anything for me, thanks for just being there and to let you know I reat everyone I know as a friend, no matter whether you treat me the same or not. Thank you for forgiving my mistakes and slips of tongues.

Remember those times when we had laughs, tears and anger, but these are all part of our memory. Like the time when all the sec 1s sat down when the councillor said “settle down”; when Ms Teng came to class squeaking just to show us what she sounded like when she was younger; when we told ghost stories during Sec 1 Lifeskills camp past midnight and no teacher came to punish us; when we did a corny Nan Zhong Quan move during our Talentime Dance; when we tore a great gash in the plastic tablecloth on our first-ever SBGE anniversary lunch just for fun; when we used to change in the broom cupboard and Wanqing had once opened it to take the broom when someone was inside; when we all stood up one day during history lesson and some couldn’t see, so we stood on the tables too.

Thanks for giving me such a great year.

12:13 am
水银祸 2008

It was terrific and we rehearsed it so well that we were placed last to perform, to wrap up the whole show. =D Yay!

reached school and the first thing I did was change and hide my head, but got better later. Then Vanessa came and tied my hair in two ponytails. Amelia wanted coconut tree, but because my hair was too short (luckily), she didn't get too. Awww... But it's really dumb. No offence, Yao.

Watching other groups perform and rehearse for like, 45 minutes, we were like, so afraid that we would keep redoing and redoing and redoing and redoing. And even some of the sec one groups had to go that. The 猪肉、猪肝、猪肠粉 thing was like, redoing and hahaha. It went like this.

“猪~~~~~~~~~ 肉!”
“猪~~~~~~~~~ 肉!”

“猪~~~~~~~~~ 肉!”

“猪~~~~~~~~~ 肉!”
“猪~~~~~~~~~ 肉!” and so on...

We were so scared at first that Mr Nick Ng would scold us, but then when we rehearsed on, He Lao Shi scolded us, which was lucky. I believe that he scolded us before Mr Nick Ng had a chance to, because he scolded us one sentence, whereas Mr Mg would probably scold us for 10 minutes. I think I was loud enough... hopefully.

And succeeding, we sat down to watched the others perform, and then it was break. Some of us wanted to go to J8 while some went to KAP or AMK Hub. Chunshan lost her wallet so TianJiao and I stayed to look for it, but then it was too dark in the audi so she didn't find it. And I paid for her bus fare and etc, but she did pay me back afterwards.

When we went to J8, the three of us, Callie, ChunShan and I (the rest went to AMK) we bought food to eat first. And Callie only ate dessert. Is she anorexic? And ChunShan bought chicken rice for $4, measly serving, while I got a huge serving of rice and vegetables for $3.70 from the vegetarian stall! woots! And it was really delicious. Then Callie went to use the brunei money (I claimed it for something and changed it with a $5 note with her) to buy Maple Card. It really can be used leh! But it's a little against concept.

/to be continued/

Sunday, November 09, 2008, 8:35 pm
Making cookies!

Went to Nat's house to make cookies and goodie bags. I think we're going to earn a lot, thanks to sponsorship from her mum. Thanks Auntie. x)

Met Ames (whom I will call 小遥 sometimes for fun.) at about 11am and we went shopping for makeup. And the makeup at Watson's is ridiculously expensive, not mention Sasa. So we bought some cheap cheap ones at Aries. I'm so going to claim from class fund. I bought it for the class! Why else would I buy a big-sized one? We saw China brand one, with weird drawings but Xiao Yao didn't like it, so didn't buy. I got a discount card. Woots!

Then we went to take the bus to nat's house. We were sleeping so peacefully on the bus when Jie's sms saying "I don't share my makeup. Sorry." woke us up. And we got down soon. Then guess what? We let a bus go pass us without getting aboard! Because we didn't see it coming and it moved so fast. crap. But another bus came soon enough.

Then getting to nat's house, Ames (this is more comfortable...) and I ate one chocolate cookie each, on the excuse that people who didn't cook/make it would give a fair judgement as to whether it's good or not. haha. And they were eating bee hoon. I didn't eat any, cos I couldn't. So I just at some cookies and a muffin. hehe. The muffin tasted really really nice.

We made some stuff and then we started wrapping the chocolate cookies into sweet like things. We could sell them at a higher price because of the 包装. hehe. Then they tried the makeup on me. sheesh. Very fun hor? I looked like crap. Anyway, shall ask mum for advice on how to put on makeup.

Then we went to giant and bought more stuff for the goodie bags. We spent less and Nat's mum bought the wrapping paper. As well as bags. And wrapping them we ran out of goodies and started wrapping very little.

So now i'm blogging and trying to write the bit of the new fanfic. Ames, have you started?

p.s. Wanqing, 为什么你很像一直一直排挤我呢?

8:35 pm

From Amelia

Pass this quiz to 10 people you can think of

7.Edwin XueZhang
10.My Mango (which I'm happily muching away on)

who is 6 having relationship with ?
No one I know of.

is no.9 a male or a female ?

if 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing ?
Edwin XueZhang and my mango.
Well, it'll good if he was eating it, lots of vitamins, but sadly, it's gone into my stomach already.

whats is no2. studying about doing now?
Probably working.

what kind of music band does no.8 likes ?
No idea. I should try to know my friends better.

does no1. have any siblings ?

will you woo no.3 ?
Of course not.

how about no4. ?

is no7. single ?
Edwin XueZhang.

whats the surname of no5. ?
Nicole Kwek.

whats the hobby of no10. ?.
Getting itself eaten?

where is no.2 studying at ?

where does no6. live ?
Don't know. Since she moved.

what colour does no.4 like ?
Eh... hm... no idea...

are no5. and no1. best friends ?
Nicole and Jie.
Do they even know each other?

Saturday, November 08, 2008, 11:08 pm
Childish Archives

After reading Jie's blog, I had a strong feeling that the childish archives in Kid's World were mine. And I went to read my archives. I remember what the posts were talking about, the scenes can still replay in my head. But I discovered my way of writing is totally childish. I must have been rally inocent when I was P5.

Friday, November 07, 2008, 11:49 pm
Second night of C&D 08

There were four car crashes. And many deaths. Red light was everywhere, including people talking and potato chips being eaten. It was the second night of Choral and Drama. And it was nice. Amelia and I went just to see 113, but then the others turned out nice too. Vivian Xuejie, Jen, Abigail xuejie and Elena xuejie were like, quite good. But there were people (two shuai boys) on the bus who criticised it. Felt like punching them. But I'm too civilised. They should see the hard work the seniors put in ok? It's not like it doesn't make sense, just they can't understand. Although they seem much older than me. And much taller.

11:17 pm

[x] I'm afraid of silence.
[x] I Talk A LOT when I get really nervous.
[x] I am really ticklish!
[ ] I'm afraid of the dark.
[ ] I'm afraid of facing my back to open doors at night.
[x] I can't sleep in a room if the door is open.
[ ] I can't sleep in a room if the door is closed.
[ ] I am afraid of gay or lesbian people. (Theyre still people, aren't they?)
[x] I believe in true love.
[x] I've run away from home. (Well, literally. I've run away from home to Lot 1 because I needed to buy stuff)
[ ] I listen to political music.
[ ] I collect comic books.
[x] I shut others out when I'm sad.
[x] I've stayed out all night.
[ ] I open up to others easily.
[x] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[x] I watch the news.
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[x] I love Disney movies.
[ ] I am a sucker for green eyes.
[ ] I am a sucker for brown eyes.
[ ] I am a sucker for blue eyes. (who cares about eyes?)
[ ] I don't kill bugs
[x] I curse.
[ ] I have an "x" in my screen name. (why would I have?)
[X] I've slipped and fell in public. (Well, lots of times. Especially stairs.)
[ ] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation. (I rarely say that even in msn)
[ ] I love Spam.... (It's irritating.)
[ ] I bake well. (I can bake some stuff...)
[ ] I have worn pajamas to class.
[ ] I have owned something from Abercrombie.
[ ] I want a better job.
[ ] Talked on a phone for 6+ hours. (waste of phone bill. MSN is better)
[ ] I love Dr. Phil. (Dr. who?)
[ ] I like multiple people. (what's multiple people?)
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS. (In Twit? No. Of course not.)
[x] I am self-conscious.
[x] I love to laugh. (I have seriously incontrollable laughter.)
[ ] I have smoked a pack in one day. (I"m not a smoker. I cough badly when I smell smoke. On purpose.)
[ ] I loved Lord of the Flies. (???)
[ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick. (are you mental?)
[ ] I can't swallow pills. (I can swallow 10 in one go. Large ones.)
[ ] I have a lot of scars.
[x] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room. (I'd be terrified.)
[x] I love chocolate.
[ ] I bite my nails. (Gross.)
[ ] I am not comfortable with being me.
[ ] I play computer games when I'm bored. (I don't play computer games.)
[ ] Gotten lost in the city. (I'm not a 路痴)
[x] Thought of suicide before.
[x] Seen a shooting star.
[ ] Had a menage a trois.
[ ] Gone out in public in my pajamas.
[ ] Have kissed someone really strange.
[ ] Hugged a stranger.
[ ] Been in a bloody fist fight with someone of a diff. sex.
[ ] Been in a fist fight.
[ ] Been arrested.
[x] Laughed and had some type of beverage come out of my nose.
[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator. (I did it last Friday!)
[ ] Made out in an elevator.
[ ] Swore at Liberace.
[ ] Kicked a guy where it hurts on purpose.
[ ] Been skydiving.
[ ] Been bungee jumping.
[ ] Gotten stitches.
[x] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[x] Bitten someone.
[ ] Been to Niagara Falls.
[x] Gotten the chicken pox.
[ ] Crashed into a car.
[ ] Been to Japan.
[x] Ridden in a taxi.
[ ] Shoplifted
[ ] Been fired.
[ ] Stole something from your job.
[ ] Gone on a blind date.
[ ] Had a crush on a teacher/coach.
[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[ ] Been to Europe.
[ ] Slept with a co-worker, and/or employee.
[ ] Been to New York
[ ] Been married
[ ] Gotten divorced
[ ] Saw someone/something dying.
[ ] Have a list of people you want to kill.
[ ] Driven over 400 miles in one day.
[ ] Been to Canada.
[x] Been on a plane. (Twice. To and fro bangkok)
[ ] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[ ] Thrown up in a bar or club.
[x] Eaten sushi.
[ ] Been snowboarding.
[ ] Taken a picture just for the sole purpose of putting it on myspace/friendster.
[ ] Been ice skating. (Didn't dare to.)
[x] Cried in public.
[ ] Walked purposely into traffic with your eyes closed. (Isn't that suicide???)
[ ] Been at a party and instead of giving out your phone number you give them your myspace name and say "look me up".
[x] Thought of someone a lot lately.
[ ] Hate the world.
[x] Love someone who doesnt realize it. (Well...)
[ ] Have your cell phone permanently attached to your hand/hip.

9:09 am
My birthday.

Woots. I'm thirteen! Yesterday. But anyway. I'll tell you about yesterday.

I seriously thought I was going to be late but luckily, my dad drove me to school as a birthday present. haha. So I ended up early. By 20 minutes. And I saw WeiHui there. Amazingly, she remembered I was a vegetarian when we were discussing where to go for lunch. I'm like, so touched. Then when we went in, I wanted to do stage right duty, because I did stage left before. And guess what, I was scolded bitch, asshole for telling some of them to keep quiet. Sorry if I was irritating, just trying to do my job. Oh, the sec ones are like, real good. They whisper, which is brilliant. I mean, they won't hear anything at all! Some of the stories are cute, but some are boring. No offence. I was so pissed at them tearing the curtains apart and let the light spill, so I taped up one of the lights and blocked another one with the speaker's stand. Leaving one light, th one under the piano, fully exposed. It wasn't that dark because the black box had lights. Lots of it.

For lunch, we debated where to go and decided on Junction8. And I saw Wanqing waiting for her parents after her cca. And she was dressed in black too. haha. Anyway, I was totally surprised it took less than 30minutes for us to reach J8 and there was vegetarian! May remembered too. Then we strolled around and Vivan xuejie, XinRong and Weihui bought one stick of marshmallow each. Then we went around and found a toilet which had (guess what?) a toilet with nobody inside locked, barring access and the other toilet was like, dirty to bit, leaving only one usable toilet. They went to NTUC in hope of finding flowers but bought sushi instead. They really bought a lot. And they bought kueh as well. the two sec 2 xuejies went to buy a small $2 Cheesecake! haha. waste of money, to me. But it's theirs so oh well. And thanks Xinrong xuejie, for letting me drink your water and saving me from dying of thrist.

We went back to school and wasted time there doing stuff. Like reading, browsing through each other's playlists, and playing the piano. Saw Chloe and she gave me one chocolate chip cookie from er vending machine pack. And when we got into the audi, One theatre club girl (the one who played Ruth) was giving out gummies, which I playfully asked for one. But was like, surprised she gave one to me. I was like, "Is it your birthday?" She said "No, not for another 8 days."
"Oh. Happy early birthday."
"Haha. Happy... belated birthday to you."
"Oh, it's not belated. It's today."

It was like, damn funny. But thanks for the gummy. hehe. It was meant to be a belated Halloweens. And thankfully, the backstage wasn't that noisy during the actual performance. But some people were inconsiderately talking, so I shone my torch at them to make them shut up. Without making any noise. Because the mikes were on, so it would be loud and clear to the audience to hear people talking about the latest magazine or how expensive it was to make a rock. And clearing up, we found lots of bottles, a pack of cards, two rocks, a wheelchair (used as a prop and not collected), etc etc. The most amazing of all findings was one of our paper fishes with the recognizable yellow scotchtape.

Going home, I ate my birthday dinner at 10.45pm, in my dad's car, made by my mum, stored in a bento box. Woots! It was lovely. And I found a wallet from The Wallet Shop on my desk, given to me by 陈宝山副坛主 as a birthday present. It's damn nice, although a bit like ShiChun's, bu different. It's lovely. So this year's birthday present I've received a cardigan(from my mum & dad), a bottle of stars (from my brother) and a wallet. so far. I'm hopeful. But I'm more excited about C&D. haha.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008, 10:58 pm

I'm not going for CSS auditions anymore. After a heated argument and a long lecture, I don't remember why I wanted to go. All the reasons I had seem stupid. Really stupid.

12:51 pm

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by
C) Continue this game by sending it to other
tagged by nat

1. Jie (I remember you liked quizzes.)
2. Kimberly
3. PingGhee
4. TianJiao
5. Brenda
6. Ge
7. Callie
8. Zhuoya xuejie

04. When did you last cry?
Eh... um... Yesterday? Sort of sniffled on the bus because the rehearsal made me think of XiaoTing.

05. Believe in fate/destiny?

06. What do you want in your life right now?
Romance Mental Peace

08. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?
My 2 pillows!

09. What bottom are you wearing now?shorts?
Shorts. What else?

10. What's the nicest text in your inbox say?
Inbox? do you mean tagboard? Then it's "wy: thanks for your concern on my blog (: i'm fine, no worries. "
If you mean email inbox, then... the chain message which explains why teachers are so stressed. x)

11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
Well, I don't make relationships between friends more complicated than it's natural form.

14. What are you proud of?
Hm... Being such a good phonics teacher that Kenneth's sister now pronounces 'the' correctly.

15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
麦当劳的薯条我们吃素的不可吃,因为今天的新加坡星州日报有报导说:麦当劳的炸薯条油是用牛的脂肪做的。请传下去给吃素的人知道,谢谢。From my dad.

17.Do you have any nicknames?
duh. Who doesn't. I don't mind most of them, except two. One from the general population who loves Shrek and another from XueKai, an old choir friend who links me with Fiona Xie. -.- (Although he is cute.)

21. Who gives you best advice?
My mum. Except sometimes I don't like it and go against it. But it's still very logical.

25. What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
Can't remember

26. Do you wear toe socks?

28. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
ahem. Yes. (Hearts don't need to be broken by crushes, but can also be broken by friends.)

29. What annoys you most in a person?
Hmm... Arrogance.

30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
I don't think so... Perhaps... Maybe. x)

35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
Me. Who else? I'd whack my bro if he dares.

36. Who was the last person to hug you?
My mum.

37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
My dad. I kissed my mum. On the cheek.

38. Do you have a life?
yes, i did! Until holidays came, then i got bored out of my wits. (quoted from nat. I totally agree)

46. what do u look for in the opposite sex?
Eh... Forgive my immature mind. Honesty?

52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
Very. Because I don't have one and I don't need one. At least not until I grow up. Which is not at 12-years-and-364-days.

55. Who always make you laugh?
Whoever's funny.

59. What are you doing tomorrow?
Rehearsal. And then Snow City with ChunShan!

60. What do you think you are like?
Very irritating.

64. Who are you missing right now?
Ramya, Marsiat, Tiffany. And that's just the tip of the ice-berg.

65. If you have to choose between friend and love, who will you choose?
Do I look like I'm a 重色轻友 person?

69. What emotion do you like to show?
Cheerful. 看过我不笑得请举脚!

70. What is your life to you?
Filled with emotional stuggles. But I have to be strong.

71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
Keep it inside and work it out myself. If nothing works, tell Jie. Or Arietta. Or Hana姐.

73. Who do you admire most?
MM Lee! (no, not James Lee)

77. What kind of person do u think the one who tagged you is?'
(Nat) Cool. Nice. Forgiving. etc. etc.

78.What colour did you use to dye hair?
None. It damages your hair.

81. At which age you wish to get married?
don't know. before 30?

83. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
Go before God and repent all the wrong thing's I've done and write letters to everyone I know.

84. Who is the person you trust the most?
Jie, Arietta. Same level. Except both relationships are fading away because Jie's getting quite busy (very understandable. She's transiting into JC) and Arietta's living in a different time zone, so we're never online when the other is.

89. What feeling do you love most?
Mental peace

92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Of Course.

94. Who cares for you most?
My parents.

95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Music, academics. Good mental health.

96. What will you bring when you fight?
I don't like violence.

99. What if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
Whack them. (I seriously don't know.)

Monday, November 03, 2008, 9:00 pm
Dressed... for a kid

ok. i've decided on a dress. maybe it's not called a dress but whatever. Anyway, I've come to terms with tying my hair... so... ahem ahem AHEM if you want to help me tie my hair... brown or black hairbands (no ribbons please) would be fine.

Hey. It's hard agreeing to wear a dress you've sworn never to wear in your whole life and to tie your hair in a way you last tied eight years ago.

Today was soso. I bought the cardigan I've always wanted in I.P.Zone as a birthday present from my parents! Woots! Although my mum convinced me to buy L, for some reason (although it's meant to be tight, she wants it loose). But it' still nice. And I went shopping with mum. To Lot 1 and West Mall. Okok, the main purpose was to go to the library in west mall (the library in Lot 1 is renovating. At this time of the year!) but we shopped for clothes too. Although we only bought that cardigan. And some hair supplies which were on offer. But we still spent A LOT. Which is bad. Since my dad burnt a hole in the sofa and we're considering getting a new one.

He did. He put some thermo thingy, this white lamp with red light which gives out lots of heat and used for massage or some treatment, on the sofa and fell asleep. It was like, damn hot and there was a fire and poof! The sofa burnt and the lamp was destroyed.

Sunday, November 02, 2008, 9:24 am

When I watch those movies, watched those dramas, I always thought that it would never happen to me. When I felt so bad for those who fought, I never knew how hard it actually was.

But why must you be like them? Why must you stop me? You told me to go for something, to give it all up, even a try would help. But why does that only apply to acedemics? Why does that only go for things that help my education?

You want to me write, to teach, to be a doctor, banker, anything, but they are not my dreams. I don't even know why I want to be an economist anymore; I don't know anything about it. I don't know anything, but I have the youth, I have the chances, I have the choices. Why can't I choose? Even if I fail, it won't hurt, it won't disturb my education.

Why can't you let me go?

8:41 am

Boring, boring boring. And I'm not doing anything constructive. AND I have backstage duty and my birthday. Sigh. I'm totally bored. And frustrated. Plus I have so many things need to do but I have no mood to.

Saturday, November 01, 2008, 7:46 pm

Today was really boring. Yesterday... hai hao. Anyway, the graduation ceremony was... tiring. We stood for almost the whole night. And guess what? I made like, so many mistakes but I'll learn from it. Sorry Ms Teo, Sorry Mr Chia.

And I want to go for the CSS auditions on Saturday. But no one's willing to go with me... Is it such a big deal? It's for fun anyway. And my dad encouraged me to go. Woots! My parent's signature will be successfully gotten. Sigh. This time, you're not doing it in front of the public but behind closed doors

I'm still bored. Someone recommend me a chick flick or teenage romance movie please... And confessions of a teenage drama queen can't be found on the net.