depresión desesperación I have been hurt
Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 2:03 pm



Friday, March 19, 2010, 4:39 am


Friday, March 12, 2010, 10:26 pm

Tired. Accomplishment. Perseverance.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010, 8:39 pm
Super High Strength Coffee Beans

We are one. I've always thought that we are one, one class, one body.
No matter who separates the superhighstrength coffee beans and mixes them with premium coffee beans, superhighstrength coffee beans will never be the same as premium coffee beans.

Being part of the two-twelve tragedie isn't about who we are, or what people identify us with, but the things we have gone through. A class identity, built upon common experiences, such as newspaper fishes, bedsheet royal clothes, baked potatoes, ice-cream floats, class chalet, ... If you were never part of those, you wouldn't know what the royal family is really about.

I always thought I didn't miss two-twelve all that much because I see everyone everyday. Especially during lunch. But I discovered, it's because they never left.

so. are we getting a drama tee? =)

Monday, March 01, 2010, 8:45 pm
Goodbye, Nicole Sensei

First it was Seo Sensei, now it's Nicole sensei. I'm not looking forward to the new 河西先生coming to teach us, from Bishan MOELC. Nicole sensei was a brilliant and cute teacher. Whatever she taught, I actually understood! And I passed my CA1, not with flying colours but 一分耕耘一分收获。我没耕很多耘,有收获就很好了。

And we're gonna miss her farewell party. Cause we're flocking with wild boars on some ulu island called Pulau Ubin. Not that i'm not looking forward to it.

Hey, don't you think that people who look forward to OBS (which is quite a lot) is mainly those who experience loads of stress in usual termtime? Maybe we have some unconcious desire to run away from civilized society and go live in the wilderness, just to run away from SIAs.